Mystery of the Purple Roses: hard-boiled, crime-solving newsman investigates murders

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Introducing Red Maguire, crime-solving ace newspaper reporter.

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By Kevin S. Giles

Clouds over the mountains felt close and heavy. Rain streamed off the windows. What a dreary day for a man to die but die he must. The revolver was loaded with six bullets. Five weren’t needed. The killer set aside the gun and caressed the photograph. Sorrow, what a regrettable thing.

That’s how I begin my first mystery novel. True to my Montana roots, I set the story in Butte, the mining city that once had hundreds of underground mines.

The protagonist of Mystery of the Purple Roses is a crime reporter at a fictional newspaper, the Butte Bugle, in 1954. The same leading character, Red Maguire, appears in my second novel as well. Once I publish my first novel I will set to revising and publishing the second. Should I stop there? I think I’ll write a trilogy.

A Montana city of hell-roaring past

There’s a grittiness about Butte you can’t find anywhere else in Montana.

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